Basic boiler system planning

With just a few data you can quickly obtain a rough basis for your project planning including price indication, standard 3D models and the most important technical data.

With the following data, we can quickly and easily gain an initial overview of your project and provide you with the information you need. For more detailed documents and order-specific 3D data, please use the extended configurator.

Steam output: indicates how many kilograms or tons of steam are required per hour. Attention: When calculating the steam required, the internal steam consumption should be considered.

System output = boiler output – own use

The own use by the feed water treatment is usually between 5 and 20%. It can be greatly reduced by waste heat recovery.

Do peak loads occur only occasionally or is the system operated with full loads over long periods of time? If necessary, the boiler size can be reduced by a steam accumulator (cost saving).

Pressure: the most important criterion is the average operating pressure. The safety pressure of the boiler is always higher than the operating pressure.

Fuel: Depending on the fuel and boundary conditions, different burner/combustion chamber combinations are suitable. Multi-fuel burners are an advantage when high demands are placed on plant availability or when, for example, biogas is available.

Main fuel:

External waste heat sources:

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