Physical symbols
Fundamental physical variables
Symbol |
Designation |
Unit |
n |
Quantity |
l |
Length |
mm; m |
r |
Radius |
mm |
d |
Diameter |
mm |
s |
Wall thickness |
mm |
u |
Velocity |
m/s |
A |
Area |
mm²; m² |
V |
Volume |
m³ |
V̇ |
Volume flow rate |
m³/h |
V̇n |
Standard volume flow rate |
mn³/h |
m |
Mass |
kg; t |
ṁ |
Mass flow rate |
kg/h; t/h |
Q |
Heat quantity |
kJ; kWh; MJ; MWh |
Q̇ |
Heat flow rate |
kW; MW |
t |
Time |
s; h; a |
T |
Temperature |
K; °C |
p |
Excess pressure |
Pa; mbar; bar |
pabs |
Absolute pressure |
bara |
ρ |
Density |
kg/m³ |
ρn |
Standard density |
kg/mn³ |
h |
Specific enthalpy |
kJ/kg |
r |
Specific evaporation enthalpy |
kJ/kg |
cp |
Specific heat capacity |
kJ/kgK |
Symbol |
Designation |
Unit |
Hi |
Net calorific value |
kWh/kg; kWh/mn³ |
Hs |
Gross calorific value |
kWh/kg; kWh/mn³ |
α |
Flue gas condensation ratio |
kg/kg |
λ |
Excess air |
kg/kg |
Symbol |
Designation |
Unit |
ƞ |
Efficiency |
% |
qA |
Flue gas loss relative to Hi |
% |
ηa |
Annual degree of utilisation |
% |
Heat transfer
Symbol |
Designation |
Unit |
λ |
Heat conductivity |
W/mK |
α |
Heat transfer coefficient |
W/m²K |
k |
Heat transition coefficient |
W/m²K |
Fluid mechanics
Symbol |
Designation |
ζ |
Pressure loss coefficient |
λ |
Pipe friction coefficient |
Symbol |
Designation |
Unit |
α |
Coefficient of thermal expansion |
mm/(m ⋅ 100K) |
L |
Electrical conductivity |
μS/cm |